The Camerata Musicale Bari, a non-profit organization, was founded in 1941, and its 82 Concert Seasons are counted among the oldest associations of both Italy as a whole, and Southern Italy in particular.
We have organized more than 3,000 concerts, and also an annual program which includes: the concert in the purest meaning of the word, classical and contemporary dance, jazz, the operetta, the rassegne, specialized monographs, and lecture-concerts in secondary schools. Until 2006, there were 27 editions of the annual International Classical Guitar Competition M. Giuliani.
A plethora of great artists from Rubinstein to Cortot, Segovia to Accardo, Ughi to Pollini, Argherich to Milstein, Carla Fracci to Roland Petit, Raffaele Paganini to Miles Davis, Lazar Berman to Severino Gazzelloni, Maurice Béjart to Nikita Magaloff, the Bolshoi, Julian Bream, and many others worldwide are constantly present in the Camerata billboards.
We’re known for tradition, quality programming, and a high number of subscribers and viewers. You could say we’re the “North Star” of the musical culture of Southern Italy.